Ideas For Training At Home (Part 5 - Turning The Hip/Waist More Efficiently)

In most styles of martial art, many techniques involve turning the hips/waist one way or the other in order to transfer the body weight into the striking limb. This in turn adds power and speed to the technique being performed.

In this video we look at enhancing that hip/waste turn by maximising the way we use the legs.

Ideas For Training At Home (Part 4 - Learning To Engage Your Fascial System)

Part 4 of ideas for training from home. This looks at a simple modification to your technique for more efficiently engaging the fascial system in the arms to make them faster and more powerful. After you’ve seen this, you’ll realise what’s been there all along in plain sight; yet most people never realised!

Please leave your comments and feedback below.

Ideas For Training At Home (Part 3 - Improve Punch Speed)

Right, this one is a short one. It’s a very simple exercise aimed at teaching you to remain very relaxed as you shoot your arm out without any tension or stiffness.
Please leave your comments below and let me know what you think.

Ideas For Training At Home (Part 2 - Improve Kicking)

Part 2 of ideas for training at home, to help people who are self isolating or in an area that is currently locked-down. This one looks at how you can use furniture to help improve your kicking technique, by forcing you to raise your knee and retract it properly as you kick.

Please leave your comments below and let me know if you found it useful.

Ideas For Training At Home (Part 1 - Home Security)

With so many people across the world on lock-down or self isolation because of the Corona Virus, I thought this would be a good time to share some training from home ideas.

So here’s the first for you looking at home security (as so many of us will be spending a lot more time there).