Internal Power Seminar With Dan Harden

In the fullness of time, I expect this to be the most life changing seminar I’ve ever attended with respect to my martial arts. It was a 2 day seminar on 21st/22nd July 2018, covering a lot of material, which for a newbie, stretched the mind as well as the body. As such, this is review is my initial impressions and I do not pretend to be an expert or have all the answers. This post is just to share my own personal experiences on this seminar, nothing more.

Now first of all, I want to address the “Internal Power” bit. This was not the usual, use your chi approach that many readers will be familiar with. This is a scientifically based approach which, as I understand it, primarily uses the networks of myofascial fabric, (sometimes called fascial meridians or anatomy trains), that runs throughout the body. Continue reading “Internal Power Seminar With Dan Harden” »

Interview With Daren Sims, 5th Dan Aikido

I first met and befriended Daren Sims, 5th Dan Aikido and 1st Dan Combat Ju Jutsu in 2010, when I was organising a multi-style martial arts festival. It was to raise funds for 2 charities that had helped my and my family through some particularly difficult times. I selected 12 different martial art schools who had about 15 minutes each to demonstrate their system. Daren was the contact point and organiser of the Aikido section. During the build up to the event, I visited most of the participating schools to have see how their preparations were going. Daren’s Aikido team where so well organised, dynamic and impressive; that I put them on first. I wanted to start on a high note and get the audience excited from the beginning. He was also very supportive of the whole event from start to finish.

Here is the demo from that day, with Daren in the middle a lot of the time throwing people all over the place: Continue reading “Interview With Daren Sims, 5th Dan Aikido” »