Martial Arts Body Mechanics & Structures Vs Fitness & Strength

Some martial art schools/associations/franchises put a lot of emphasis on fitness and strength training. A good work out gets the endorphins going and people come out feeling good and happy, stress levels reduced and a general feeling of well-being. Being fit always feels good. Sometimes the fitness may consist of doing a lot of circuit type training and/or doing everything fast all the time.

Whilst I am definitely in favour of being fit and strong, I am not in favour of emphasising these aspects over good body mechanics and body structures (which I have seen in some places).

There is a general assumption amongst many people that to defend yourself effectively, you have to be really super fit as fighting is very physically demanding and intense. Whilst there are obviously definite advantages in being really fit, it is far better to be able to hit somebody once and be sure that they’ll go down then gear your self defence training to having to hit them 10 to 20 times before they go down. Continue reading “Martial Arts Body Mechanics & Structures Vs Fitness & Strength” »

Internal Power Seminar With Dan Harden

In the fullness of time, I expect this to be the most life changing seminar I’ve ever attended with respect to my martial arts. It was a 2 day seminar on 21st/22nd July 2018, covering a lot of material, which for a newbie, stretched the mind as well as the body. As such, this is review is my initial impressions and I do not pretend to be an expert or have all the answers. This post is just to share my own personal experiences on this seminar, nothing more.

Now first of all, I want to address the “Internal Power” bit. This was not the usual, use your chi approach that many readers will be familiar with. This is a scientifically based approach which, as I understand it, primarily uses the networks of myofascial fabric, (sometimes called fascial meridians or anatomy trains), that runs throughout the body. Continue reading “Internal Power Seminar With Dan Harden” »