The Quest For Karate’s Original Kata - Iain Abernethy

Although this post is primarily referring to Karate, I think a lot of it will also apply to other traditional martial arts that practice kata (forms/patterns) just as much.

Iain Abernethy is a world renowned teacher on the practical application of traditional Karate. I’ve trained with him several times, found him to be really good at what he does and a really nice approachable guy with no ego at all. He’s very knowledgable both in terms of practical application, the history of Karate and is a truly inspirational teacher on many levels.

So when Iain talks, people should listen and learn. Below is a recent video that he made on the Quest For Original Kata. Iain makes the case that many people often search for the original version of a kata on the assumption that it will contain the most combat effective version of the techniques (being closest to the originating Masters intention). I will admit to having been a little bit guilty of that myself in the past. Continue reading “The Quest For Karate’s Original Kata - Iain Abernethy” »