Improve Your Kicks - By Starting At The End And Working Back!

Learning (or even teaching) kicking can be difficult as with some kicks we move in ways that we would not naturally move. It can take considerable training. Front kicks are relatively easy, but kicks such as the side thrust kick or round-house kick (also known as turning kick) take a lot more learning.

It can be difficult to learn, especially if you don’t really know for sure what it’s supposed to feel like at the end of the kick. No amount of instruction can give you that “feeling”!

So what if you could find a way of getting the feeling of the end of the kick first; then work back so that you know exactly what you are aiming for at the start of the kick?

Checkout the video to see how you can do this:-

If you found this useful, then you might like to look at the 10 Kicking Tips download available on the Resources Page.




Multiply your effectiveness with more impact for less effort and where to hit for best effect.
Bonus: Historical look at Bassai Dai, one of Karate’s most pivotal katas




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