Interview With Ms Louise Reeve, 4th Dan Tae Kwon Do, First Woman FAST Defence Instructor & Author

Ms Louise Reeve is a very progressive martial arts teacher. A 4th Degree at Tae Kwon Do (aiming for her 5th Degree). Although her early martial arts career saw her enjoy a lot of competition success, she has developed into a more martial path, embracing reality based training. This includes being one of the first people from the UK (and the first woman in the world) to go to the USA and qualify to the teach the Fear, Adrenaline, Stress Training (FAST) Defence system and introduce it here in the UK.

Having done a FAST Defence course myself with one of her colleagues, I’ll vouch for what a straightforward and effect method it is; which fits hand in glove with any martial arts system. I’ve passed on the teachings to my own students and out of everything that I’ve taught, the FAST principles have been used much more than anything else. I’d highly recommend it.

Yet despite embracing this reality training, she still teaches to high technical standards; all things that I consider necessary to a complete and rounded martial artist.

On top of this, she is a great humanitarian who looks into safeguarding children in training, has supported her associations charitable work in Ghana and thrives on teaching children with physical difficulties, (something which many teachers shy away from). I was therefore delighted when she agreed to do this interview with me and share her insights:- Continue reading “Interview With Ms Louise Reeve, 4th Dan Tae Kwon Do, First Woman FAST Defence Instructor & Author” »