The Best Way To Use Your Supporting Foot To Generate Power As You Step

Anyone who has followed BunkaiJutsu for a while will know that I’m a stickler for fine detail. Or as some people say, the devil in the detail!

When we train our basics we can focus a lot on detail and accuracy. But in the melee of a real confrontation with the pressure of somebody seriously trying to hurt you, plus the adrenaline kicking in which adversely affects fine motor control of your movement; it’s never going to be that tidy. So why do we try to be so accurate and precious in our basic movements when we know full well that we’ll never achieve that in real life?

Well lets just say that for the sake of argument that under pressure our technique is 50% efficient.

50% of a really fast, powerful and accurate technique is going to be a lot better than 50% of a weak, sloppy technique! So it’s really worth working on as arguably any improvement in a technique will only translate to 50% improvement in a real altercation! As we get more and more advanced, the level of detail required to improve technique becomes finer and finer. Continue reading “The Best Way To Use Your Supporting Foot To Generate Power As You Step” »