Wing Chun: Finishing Quickly

Here’s a video where Keith takes the lead for a change (gives me a break) 🙂 Although Keith practices more Choy Lee Fut these days, his base style always used to be Wing Chun (which I trained with him for a while). One of Wing Chun’s characteristics is its very fast multiple attacks, or as one instructor puts it; “be all over them like a rash”.

This is an effective fighting method. However, during his time teaching, Keith noticed that sometimes people get a bit too focused on the rapid multiple attacks and forget to put in any real power into their techniques or to aim for good finishing targets. This is not a criticism of Wing Chun, it’s just a mistake that sometimes people fall into. Continue reading “Wing Chun: Finishing Quickly” »

Wing Chun’s Chum Kiu

Following on from our last video on bunkai from the kata Nijushiho, Keith takes the lead and we take a look at similar applications from Wing Chun’s second form, Chum Kiu.

Usually we do things mainly from the Karate perspective and look at similar Kung Fu moves, but this time we start from the Kung Fu perspective (about time too). Sorry to all the Kung Fu people out there that its taken us so long to do it this way round, but Keith is a bit shyer in front of the camera than me. He’s not so shy in other ways, I would explain that this is not kind of blog 🙂 Continue reading “Wing Chun’s Chum Kiu” »