Bruce Lee - Martial Arts Genius; But Were All His Ideas New?

Bruce Lee was an exceptionally accomplished and talented martial artist. He was also very influential in popularising martial arts in the West, as well as making people already training in martial arts question what they were doing. I have a huge respect for Bruce, but in all honesty, I can’t go along with the almost God like reverence that some people hold him in. He is often quoted in a way that suggests his word should be the final word on all things martial arts. But there are many very senior and knowledgeable masters out there who know just as much, yet have a different approach. There is always more than one route. Also, many of the things that Bruce Lee taught was common philosophy in the East, but he was just the first Asian master to open up that philosophy to the West (or at least, the first who had a media following to reach the wider public). Continue reading “Bruce Lee - Martial Arts Genius; But Were All His Ideas New?” »