Target Hardening (Part 1) - How Predators Select Victims

First of all just to be clear, this post is talking about how predators select their victims and how to harden yourself as a target; with regard to asocial violence. That is the type of violence where the perpetrator does not want an audience (witnesses), such as a mugger, rapist, serial killer. This is as opposed to the bar room or class room bully who does want an audience to show of that they are the alpha male/female. For the sake of this post, we’ll primarily focus on the mugger as that is the most common type of asocial violence. For more information on the differences between social and asocial violence, please follow this link.

When the subject of street predators comes up in my classes I often ask, “how do lions hunt”? Continue reading “Target Hardening (Part 1) - How Predators Select Victims” »

The Difference Between Social Violence And Asocial Violence

For anybody who is interested in real world self protection, it is helps to understand the difference between social violence and asocial violence, the motivation behind them and how to respond to them.

But first, what do they have in common? Continue reading “The Difference Between Social Violence And Asocial Violence” »