Category Archives: Self Protection/Reality Based Martial Arts

Conflict De-escalation: The Broken Record

A simple but effective technique for taking control of a situation and de-escalating verbal agression before it degenerates into a physical conflict. Continue reading

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Review Of Kevin O’Hagan’s Anatomy Of A Street Assault Seminar

This is not just a list of topics covered on the seminar, it covers some of the very valuable lessons learnt. Continue reading

Posted in Courses, Ju Jutsu, Self Protection/Reality Based Martial Arts | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Womens Self Defence Blogging Carnival

This is a blogging carnival where several expert martial art bloggers have come together to pool information on the subject of Women’s Self Defense. Continue reading

Posted in Self Protection/Reality Based Martial Arts, Women | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments

Womens Self Defense: Why It’s Different For Women

What is uniquely different about womens self defense compared to other self defense scenarios and how to handle it! Continue reading

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Anticipating How Your Opponent Will Attack!

How do you anticipate HOW an opponent will attack? Should you even try to as it could lead you into more trouble if you get it wrong? Continue reading

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