Category Archives: Self Protection/Reality Based Martial Arts

Target Hardening Against A Street Predator

Human street predators have a lot in common with animal predators in the jungle. Understanding this psychology actually gives a simple method for reducing the chances of being selected for attack. Continue reading

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Launch Of The World Combat Association

After the outstanding success of the British Combat Association over almost 20 years to bring practical and realistic martial arts to the UK, the WORLD COMBAT ASSOCIATION is now being lauched to give the same support and recognition to pragmatic martial artists all over the world. Continue reading

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Blogging Carnival: Womens Self Defence

Following on from the success of Colin Wee’s Anti Bulling Blogging Carnival, we are following up with another Blogging Carnival, which I’ll be hosting. This time the subject is Women’s Self Defence. Please support us. Follow the link to find out more. If you are a martial arts blogger, this will be a good way to raise your profile, get some linkbacks and more trafic. Continue reading

Posted in News & Miscellaneous, Self Protection/Reality Based Martial Arts, Women | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

New Martial Arts Blog: PhaseShifting

New blog for martial artists who are into reality based self protection and practical martial arts. Continue reading

Posted in News & Miscellaneous, Self Protection/Reality Based Martial Arts | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Engage Your Opponents Brain To Increase Their Vulnerability

As you get psyched up, higher brain functions close down and you rely more on the lower, more primitive part of the brain to prepare you for combat. If you can induce an aggressors higher brain functions to kick back in you can interfere with their mental preparation for a fight! Continue reading

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