Womens Self Defence Blogging Carnival

Welcome to the Blogging Carnival for Women’s Self Defense. This is part of a series of blogging carnivals set up by Colin Wee of Joong Do Kwan. I am honoured to be the host for this particular carnival.

Any self defense situation can obviously be very serious, but women’s self defense can carry the additional burden of sexual assault and rape which men don’t usually have to contend with. This can leave emotional scars for a lifetime which affect a women’s self image, self esteem and her ability to make and maintain healthy relationships in the future. It goes beyond the normal fears that men face.

Unfortunately this carnival has not been quite as well supported as the previous blogging carnival where the subject was Anti Bullying, which was hosted on Colin Wee’s blog.

Nevertheless, I would like to thank all those who have taken part and have contributed. The contributions are listed below and I recommend them all to you.


Blogging Carneval by Traditional Teakwondo Ramblings

Womens Self Defense by Tracy’s Kenpo Karate

Women’s Self Defense, Circa 1947 by Cook Dings Kitchen

Women’s Self Defence: Developing A World Class Offering, by Colin Wee

Women’s Self Defence - Blogging Carnival by Going My Way

Thoughts On Women’s Self Defence by Soo Shim Kwan

Women’s Self Defence: Why It’s Different by Bunkai Jutsu

PS: Just as a curiosity, the word defense/defence is spelt differently in different parts of the world. The American way is “defenSe”, the British way is “defenCe”.

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