Paul Loughlin’s Child Bullying Self Defence Seminar, & Adults Edged Weapons Seminar

An acquaintance of mine, Paul Loughlin, will be teaching a child bullying self defence seminar followed by an adult edged weapon defence seminar this coming Sunday at the Bristol Martial Arts Academy (Bristol, UK).

As well as being at 2nd Dan Kickboxing/Karate, Paul is also a qualified Self Defence Instructor:
Level 1, Complete Basic Self Defence
Level 2, Complete Ladies Self Defence
Level 3, Adverse Situations & Multiple Attacks
Level 4, Street Weapons Self Defence

Paul who has his own company, ADD Self Protection, was trained by Dave Turton, founder of the Self Defence Federation (SDF) and one of the pioneers of street wise self protection. I have met Paul at some of Kevin O’Hagan’s seminars as he likes to keep his knowledge up to date; so if you are free this Sunday and in the area, check it out. Times and contact details are on Facebook.

Here are a couple of clips of Paul teaching with fellow SDF instructor, Steve Hallam:

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