Blogging Carnival: Womens Self Defence

Following on from the recent Anti-Bullying Blogging Carnival, hosted by Colin Wee’s Blog: Joong Do Kwan; I have agreed with Colin that I will host the next blogging carnival. The theme this time will be “Women’s Self Defence”.

If you are interested in participating, please register yourself and your blog with Colin Wee on his registration page.

The basic format of the blogging carnival is that all registered martial arts bloggers will all write about Women’s Self Defence. Postings should be prepared in advance, but all published on the SAME DAY. This day will be Saturday 14th July 2012.

I will be providing the HOSTING for the blogging carnival, so a few days before the launch date, all the links to your posts should be forwarded to me. I will list all entries on the Carnival Hosting Page with link backs to your posts.

I will send you a link for the Carnival Hosting Page too, which you should include at the end of your post. For the readers it will provide a lot of interesting links and reading matter on the subject of Women’s Self Defence. For the bloggers it will provide link-backs to your site (which helps your Google rating) and a lot of traffic from other high ranking martial arts sites.

On the day of publication, all bloggers should promote the Carnival Hosting Page through their own networks (blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc).

So if you’re interested in taking part, don’t forget to register with Colin Wee.

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