Psyche of a Warrior: John Johnston by Jamie Clubb

My attention was recently drawn to a post on Sensei John Johnston’s Adaptive Karate Blog. This post has been written by Jamie Clubb and was about John Johnston himself. It also quotes Geoff Thompson a number of times talking about his training and experiences with John Johnston. Having interviewed Sensei Johnston myself some time ago Continue reading “Psyche of a Warrior: John Johnston by Jamie Clubb” »

Martial Arts In Times Of Peace

Martial arts vary in times of war/chaos compared to times of relative peace. Despite what you hear and read in the media, most of us today live in relatively peaceful times where we can call the police if anybody threatens or attacks us. Obviously if you have a job such as policeman, prison officer or bouncer; you will see more violence then most others. Also if you go to Continue reading “Martial Arts In Times Of Peace” »