New Martial Arts Blog: PhaseShifting

My friend Andras Millward has just started up his own blog at:

For those of you who are into reality based martial arts and self protection, this blog will be well worth keeping an eye on for several reasons.

First of all, Andras has a good background in Wing Chun (which is noted for being one of the more practical martial arts) as well as being a qualified FAST (Fear Adrenalin Stress Training) Defence instructor. FAST Defence is one the best reality based self defence systems for getting very quick and lasting results. Furthermore, Andras regularly trains (private lessons and seminars) with Kevin O’Hagan and Jamie Clubb who both have international reputations for reality based self protection.

Secondly, Andras is published author and used to be a journalist, so he knows how to write well to put his point across.

His blog is in it’s infancy so there is not much content yet, but it will definitely be worth following, so go across and say hello to Andras at:

I would like to wish Andras every success with this new venture.

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