Category Archives: Self Development

Kaizen: Continuous Improvement And Martial Arts

Kaizen is a Japanese method of continuous and deliberate improvement. It is also ingrained into most traditional martial arts. Continue reading

Posted in Philosophy / Spiritual, Self Development | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Martial Arts: Fighting Spirit Vs Technique

It is often debated in martial arts circles what is most important, pure technique or developing a fierce fighting spirit? My answer is that it depends on what stage of your training you’re at. Find out more . . . . . Continue reading

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Injuries - What A Pain: By Russell Stutely

As we get older our bodies tend to lose flexibility, stamina and out natural youthful athleticism. Russell Stutely looks at the effects of “heavy sparring” on our bodies, the injuries it leaves and whether or not it is really necessary to achieve our goals in martial arts anyway. Continue reading

Posted in Health, Philosophy / Spiritual, Self Development | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

How Exactly Is Fighting More Mental Than Physical?

It has been said for centuries that fighting is more mental than physical. How can this be?
Find out one explanation. Continue reading

Posted in Karate, Philosophy / Spiritual, Psychology, Self Development | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

What Does An Ore, A Handbag & Half A Brick Have In Common?

It used to be a Karate tradition to use everyday implements as weapons . . . . . why don’t we still do that today? Continue reading

Posted in Bunkai, Karate, Self Development, Women | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments