Mind Like The Moon & Mind Like Water

Mind Like The Moon (Tsuki No Kokoro) and Mind Like Water (Mizu No Kokuro) are old Japanese/Chinese phrases which are integrated into Zen and martial arts and are inter-related to each other. This posting looks at them primarily from a martial arts context.

Starting with Mind Like The Moon, whereas the light of the moon shines on everything below it evenly, so you should see everything when facing an opponent. Clouds blocking the moonlight are likened to nervousness, fears, doubts and distractions blocking your mental clarity. By seeing “everything”, I don’t only mean Continue reading “Mind Like The Moon & Mind Like Water”

Martial Arts: Fighting Spirit Vs Technique

Sometimes you see in martial arts forums and/or magazines, debates on what is most important in training; focusing on pure technique or developing a fierce fighting spirit? Everybody seems to have an opinion and as the old saying goes . . . . opinions are like a**e holes, everybody has one.

So I though I’d add mine to the mix as well. Opinion that is. Obviously both are very important and nobody will get far without a certain amount of both. However, as for which is most important . . . . . . I would say that depends on what stage of your training you’re at.

For beginners, I would say that more emphasis should be placed on technique. Good technique is the foundation to traditional martial arts. It is the basic building block on which all else is built. People often argue that pure basics are Continue reading “Martial Arts: Fighting Spirit Vs Technique”

True Martial Arts Spirit . . . . And He’s Only 11!

I came across this story by chance in a local paper. It was just so awesome that it had to be shared. Next time you feel too tired to train, or think you’d rather watch the telly instead, think of this young lad from the Bath TKD club. This is where the grown ups can really learn from the kids.

The following is copied from the Bath Chronicle On-Line paper: Continue reading “True Martial Arts Spirit . . . . And He’s Only 11!”