Category Archives: Courses

Kevin O’Hagan Seminar: How To Develop Short Range Knockout Power

Kevin O’Hagan seminar on Short Range Knockout Power - Not to be missed. Continue reading

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Gojushiho Sho Bunkai Course

A few examples of bunkai from a recent kata course focusing on Gojushiho Sho. Continue reading

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Gojushiho Sho – Kata and Bunkai

Karate kata bunkai course. Continue reading

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Kevin O’Hagan’s Teaching Diploma

For any serious martial artist: Kevin O’Hagan’s masterclass. Continue reading

Posted in Courses, Ju Jutsu, News & Miscellaneous, Self Protection/Reality Based Martial Arts | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Paul Loughlin’s Child Bullying Self Defence Seminar, & Adults Edged Weapons Seminar

Paul Loughlin, Self Defence Instructor will be teaching this coming Sunday. Check it out. Continue reading

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