Category Archives: Courses

Lotus Nei Gong & Tai Chi Course

A course for practitioners of internal martial arts wishing to expand their knowledge, or external martial artists who want to understand internal work and perhaps introduce some of it into their own martial arts. Continue reading

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Kousaku Yokota’s Interactive Cyber Dojo

Many people do online classes, but these are usually pre-recorded videos. If you have questions, you have to type them in on your key board and wait on the teacher getting back to you. And if you don’t fully understand … Continue reading

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Karate Bunkai Jutsu Course

This Karate Bunkai Butsu course takes the principles & techniques of Karate and applies them to realistic self defence.
Locks, takedowns and throws are included in this traditional Martial Art alongside the more obvious strikes and kicks. Sensei Mitchell will be teaching practical uses of the everyday moves within Karate from basic techniques through to the more complex kata moves. Continue reading

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Keeping a Beginner’s Mind

A brilliant insight into mindset of a martial artist (my Sensei and Tai Chi teacher) and what we should strive for. Continue reading

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Karate Bunkai Course: Practical Shotokan, Beginner To Black Belt

Karate bunkai course looking at techniques and principles of Shotokan Karate and applying them to strikes, kicks, locks, takedowns, throws etc. Continue reading

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