Congratulations To Paul Mitchell On Attaining His 5th Dan

I would like to say a huge congratulations to my friend and Sensei, Paul Mitchell, on attaining his 5th Dan. Those who know and train with him will not be surprised as Paul has an enormous depth of knowledge and ability. Although I have trained for a number of years, only 3 of which have been with Paul, he has had a huge influence on my outlook and direction in Karate.

Paul, (who also teaches Tai Chi), holds regular applied Karate seminars and Tai Chi course which are open to none club members. These are well worth attending for anybody who wants to gain a deeper understanding of either of these arts.

Paul is currently working on his own book, which will be a “must buy” for all Shotokan Karateka. More about that when it gets closer to being published.

He is pictured here being presented with his 5th Dan certificate by Pete Manning, Chief Instructor of the Traditional Shotokan Karate Association.


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