Bath Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

One style that I don’t often talk about is Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. The main reason is . . . . well . . . . . I don’t really know much about it. However, I was asked by Graham Barlow if I would feature some Brazilian Jiu Jitsu tutorial videos. Graham used to write some articles and do some video’s for Bunkai Jutsu in its early days about the more practical applications of Tai Chi and Choi Lee Fut.

Graham teaches Tai Chi and Choi Lee Fut in the city of Bath, but has now added BJJ to his studies. As I have not featured Brazilian Jiu Jitsu before, I thought this was good idea. I would like to wish Graham all the best in his new art and here are some videos from the Bath Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Club.

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