10 FREE iTune App Downloads To Give Away: Practical Karate - Realistic Street Bunkai

A little while ago I announced that one of my DVD’s, 10 Kicking Tips had been reduced (to 4 tips) and converted into an iTune App.

Well now the other DVD, Inside Bassai Dai, has also been converted into an iTune App. Again this is a reduced version (20 minutes), but it is much cheaper and available as an instant download.

This should be of interest to people of other styles and not not just Karateka. As this was made with a friend who practices Wing Chun, and Choi Lee Fut Kung Fu, this App should obviously be of relevant to Kung Fu practitioners.

Also one customer who bought the full DVD and practices Tae Kwon Do said:

“I liked that you were using a lot of applications from the fence and keeping it real. As you know, I train in TAGB Taekwon-do and even though we obviously don’t practice Bassai Dai as part of our syllabus I discovered that a lot of the individual moves and applications from this DVD are applicable to the TKD student as some (not all) can be found in our patterns (TAGB TKD practices the chang hun tuls with hip twist instead of sine wave)”.

You can see more comments from other DVD customers at the bottom of the Store page, so don’t take my word for it.

As with the Kicking Tip’s App before, Apple are giving away 10 promotional codes so that 10 customers can download the App for free.

I’ll be giving away the 10 codes to the first 10 people that ask for them, whether it be via this website or via the Bunkai Jutsu Facebook page. So grab yours fast and tell your friends about it.

If you do like the App, then I would appreciate it if you left a positive review on the iTune Apple Store page, but that is up to you.

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