10 FREE iTune App Downloads To Give Away: Improve Your Kicks

As some of you may have noticed, my 10 Kicking Tips DVD has now also been made into an iTune App, available from the Apple Store. Whereas the DVD contains 10 tips, the App only contains 4 tips. However, I think they are the best of the tips and it is considerably cheaper.
As a promotional offer for a new App, Apple give away 10 promotional codes so that 10 customers can get the App for free. If you would like to receive one of the codes, all you need to do is to leave a comment below (blog comments, not the Facebook comments) stating WHY you would like the Improve Your Kicks App.

Note: It doesn’t have to be a good reason, it can be a funny one if you like (the funnier the better), just as long as you give a reason.

If you are not sure if this is for you or not, then please go to 10 Kicking Tips DVD page and see the endorsements that the DVD (full version) has received from some very senior martial artist. Or you can go to the main store page and see the comments left by customers who have actually purchased my DVD’s.

It’s first come first served for the first 10 people. When you leave your comment, you will need to put in your email address. This will not be made public, only I will see it, and I will email you the code.

All I ask in return is that if you like it, please leave a positive review on the iTune Apple Store page. This is just a request, not a condition 🙂

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