Karate Bunkai Seminar

This weekend on Sunday 30th, there will be a great Karate Bunkai seminar, hosted at the Bristol Dojo, 74-78 Avon Street, Bristol, BS2 0PX, UK.

The seminar will explore the principles of practical application of concepts & principles of Karate kata as viewed from 2 different styles.

Simon O’Brien, 6th Dan Wado Ryu will teach from 2.00 to 3.30pm. Simon has a practical leaning, being a member of the British Combat Association, having trained many times with World renowned kata bunkai expert Iain Abernethy and in Combat JuJutsu with Kevin O’Hagan.

From 3.30 to 5.00pm – Dan Lewis 6th Dan Goju Ryu takes over. Dan has a wide experience in Kyokushinkai Karate, Muay Thai, Wing Chun, Ju Jutsu and other styles, before settling into Goju Ryu Karate which he felt was a very complete system encompassing all the best of each.

For those who like the history, originally in Okinawa there were two main styles of Karate, Naha Te and Shuri Te.

Naha Te is believed to be mainly based on White Crane and Praying Mantis Kung Fu and evolved into Goju Ryu.

Shuri Te was largely based on White Crane, but further developed by the Okinawans to make it more linear. This evolved on into Shorin Ryu, then Shotokan, which spawned many other styles including Wado Ryu. However, Wado Ryu also has a lot of Ju Jutsu incorporated into it as well.

So this Karate bunkai seminar will have the best of both of Okinawa’s two original styles which should make it particularly interesting.

Cost is £10 and the minimum age is 13.

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