Tag Archives: gichin funakoshi

Karate For “Perfection Of Character”: Truth Or Just Part Of The “Marketing”? - A Historical Perspective

“The ultimate aim of Karate lies not in victory or defeat, but in the perfection of character of its participants”. This is a famous quote by Gichin Funakoshi. But did he mean it, or was he just saying what he knew the Japanese wanted to hear? Was it real, or was it just part of the “marketing” of Karate? Continue reading

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Do You Train To Win A Fair Fight?

Most traditional martial arts teach you how to win a fair fight. Anything wrong with that?
Yes, most fights aren’t fair. But it wasn’t always like that. Traditional martial arts did at one time put more emphasis on winning an unfair fight. Continue reading

Posted in History, Karate, Self Protection/Reality Based Martial Arts | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments