Category Archives: Psychology

Combat psychology

Are Traditional Martial Arts Any Use To Somebody Who Is Being Bullied?

Martial arts can obviously be used to defend yourself against a bully, but there are some limitation which need to be taken into account. Continue reading

Posted in Psychology, Self Protection/Reality Based Martial Arts | Tagged , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Mind Like The Moon & Mind Like Water

Mind like the moon and mind like water are phrases that you come across from time to time in martial arts and although the meaning is often described, it is seldom explained how to achieve achieve these states. Continue reading

Posted in Philosophy / Spiritual, Psychology, Self Development | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 11 Comments

Martial Arts: Fighting Spirit Vs Technique

It is often debated in martial arts circles what is most important, pure technique or developing a fierce fighting spirit? My answer is that it depends on what stage of your training you’re at. Find out more . . . . . Continue reading

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How Exactly Is Fighting More Mental Than Physical?

It has been said for centuries that fighting is more mental than physical. How can this be?
Find out one explanation. Continue reading

Posted in Karate, Philosophy / Spiritual, Psychology, Self Development | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

Do You Have A Monkey Mind?

Do you have a “monkey mind”?
What is the “monkey mind”, and how can you overcome it? Continue reading

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