Tag Archives: self protection

Developing And Using Intuition For Self Protection

Much is talked about self protection in many different aspects, but not many people talk about how to develop, harness and use your own intuition to guide you through such an incident. Continue reading

Posted in Psychology, Self Development | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Review Of Kevin O’Hagan’s Anatomy Of A Street Assault Seminar

This is not just a list of topics covered on the seminar, it covers some of the very valuable lessons learnt. Continue reading

Posted in Courses, Ju Jutsu, Self Protection/Reality Based Martial Arts | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Blogging Carnival: Womens Self Defence

Following on from the success of Colin Wee’s Anti Bulling Blogging Carnival, we are following up with another Blogging Carnival, which I’ll be hosting. This time the subject is Women’s Self Defence. Please support us. Follow the link to find out more. If you are a martial arts blogger, this will be a good way to raise your profile, get some linkbacks and more trafic. Continue reading

Posted in News & Miscellaneous, Self Protection/Reality Based Martial Arts, Women | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Women’s Self Protection & Raw Power

Dr Ruthless teaches women’s self defence against street preditors. This short video with description shows how surprisingly powerfull women can really be. Continue reading

Posted in Self Protection/Reality Based Martial Arts, Women | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

The Gift Of “Peacocking”

Peacocking is (amongst other things) another name for aggresive and intimidatory behaviour. There are several methods of defence that you can use when faced with this type of aggression. Continue reading

Posted in Self Protection/Reality Based Martial Arts | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments