Tag Archives: mugger

Teenage Martial Artist Fights Off Would-Be Mugger

I was surprised to see in one of my regional papers today a story about a slightly-built unassuming 15 year old Taekwondo exponent who got the better of a would be mugger. So I thought I’d share it with you. Continue reading

Posted in News & Miscellaneous, Tae Kwon Do/Tang Soo Do/Hapkido | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Who The F*** You Looking At? (Part 2)

Second part of the popular article on the effects of adrenalin on martial arts training. Continue reading

Posted in Psychology, Self Protection/Reality Based Martial Arts | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Who The F*** You Looking At? (Part 1)

What are physical effects of adrenalin on our body’s when somebody picks a fight with us and how do we deal with it. Find out here. Continue reading

Posted in Psychology, Self Protection/Reality Based Martial Arts | Tagged , , , , , , | 4 Comments