Tag Archives: shotokan karate

Karate Bunkai Jutsu Course

This Karate Bunkai Butsu course takes the principles & techniques of Karate and applies them to realistic self defence.
Locks, takedowns and throws are included in this traditional Martial Art alongside the more obvious strikes and kicks. Sensei Mitchell will be teaching practical uses of the everyday moves within Karate from basic techniques through to the more complex kata moves. Continue reading

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Interview with Shihan Kousaku Yokota, 8th Dan Shotokan Karate

A wonderfully frank and and open interview with Shihan Kousaku Yokota, 8th Dan Shotokan Karate about his fears on the direction of mainstream Karate, practical kata bunkai, his new book “Shotokan Myths” and more. Continue reading

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Karate Bunkai Course: Practical Shotokan, Beginner To Black Belt

Karate bunkai course looking at techniques and principles of Shotokan Karate and applying them to strikes, kicks, locks, takedowns, throws etc. Continue reading

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Endorsment By Shihan Kousaku Yokota, 8th Dan Shotokan Karate

When it comes to keeping Shotokan Karate pure as a martial art (rather than a watered down sport), you can’t get better than Shihan Yokota. That is why I am especially excited about having his personal endorsement for my DVD. Continue reading

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