Category Archives: Self Protection/Reality Based Martial Arts

Look Them Straight In The Eye . . . . . Or Should You?

When confronted by an attacker, people often say “look em straight in the eye”. But doing this can leave you vulnerable to a low attack or an attack from a second assailant. So what do you do. Continue reading

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Martial Arts & Psycho Cybernetics: Train For A Crisis

Psycho Cybernetics is a fascinating self development book which has a lot to teach martial artists. One chapter looks at preparing for a crisis. Violent assault is a crisis, so what can this book teach us about how to prepare for it. Continue reading

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Women’s Self Protection: Primal Instincts

Women’s social conditioning does not do them any favours when it comes to self protection. However, if they can overcome that conditioning, many woud be amazed at what women are actually capable of. Continue reading

Posted in Psychology, Self Protection/Reality Based Martial Arts, Women | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

The Louis Thompson Interview

A rare interview with Louis Thompson, who has the unique experience of growning up with the worlds best reality based martial arts teachers. Although still quite young, Louis has a rare depth of knowledge and deep understanding of the subject. Continue reading

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Sparring: By Pragmatic Martial Arts

A humorous look at sparring and it’s applicability to real life self defense. Continue reading

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