Re-Structuring The Site

You may have noticed that I’ve changed things around a bit on this site. Previously, I had offered 2 free bonus videos for anybody joining the newsletter. However, I felt that these video bonuses were, to be honest, a little bit random. Also, being filmed in my living room with a radiator in the background, I did not feel that they were very professional looking and that you deserved better.

So what I’ve done is re-structure the bonuses into a 5 part course on How To Become Good At Bunkai. I thought, why do people come to a site like this in the first place? The answer seemed obvious, it’s because they are interested in bunkai and want to learn more. So I thought, how can I help these people and add value for them. The best way I could think of was to help teach people to work out bunkai for themselves. Too often, people rely on others to teach them as they either lack confidence to work out bunkai, or they feel that they do not have the right. This is restrictive thinking.

Also, depending on others to teach you can be a bit restrictive, depending on who you train with. But if you can learn to work them out for yourself, then there are no limits to how much you can learn. But you need a certain amount of base knowledge first, as much of it is done by “read across”. The more you learn, the more you are able to work out for yourself. So if you haven’t already signed up for the newsletter, then please do. You’ll get 5 free classes teaching you how to work out bunkai for yourself, plus one surprise bonus video.

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