New Facebook Page

I have had to move the BunkaiJutsu Facebook page. The previous page at was a “Community” page and unfortunately Facebook has a bad habit of taking over Community pages when they get big. Although my Facebook page was still quite a long way short of that, I did not see much point in waiting for it to happen, then have to start over again. I’ve therefore set up a new BunkaJutsu Facebook page as a “Business” page. Apart from the fact that Facebook can’t take it over, it’s controls are a bit more versatile too.

Amongst other things, I use the Facebook page to notify people of updates to this website. Ironically, the Facebook page always gets more comments and debate then this website does. So if you want to be notified via Facebook of updates and join in the debates, please go to the new Facebook page at: and click on the like button.

Then if you don’t mind, please invite your martial arts friends to “like” it too so they can join in the debates with you :)

Also, as long as it is relevant to the theme, I don’t mind people adding posts to promote their own courses, adding video’s or just sharing their thoughts, etc. Although I’ve changed it to a Business page, I still want it to have a Community feel. The previous page had good participation which was always kept friendly, I trust that the new Facebook page will be as successful.

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