Bassai Dai Kata Bunkai DVD: Special Offer/End Off Offer!

I currently have 2 DVD’s for sale, Inside Bassai Dai (kata bunkai) and 10 Kicking Tips. Up to now I’ve given away 10 Kicking Tips free, to anybody who buys Inside Bassai Dai as an incentive.

Anyway, as I write for Bleeding Edge (on-line magazine) I’m giving them a special offer; anybody who buys Inside Bassai Dai will not only get 10 Kicking Tips free, but they will also also get a £5.00 discount. To get this discount you will need to go to Bleeding Edge, February edition, page 15 (copied below).

Also the offer of getting 10 Kicking Tips free when you buy Inside Bassai Dai will end on Feb 28th (whether you buy from Bleeding Edge Magazine or from this website). So if you are thinking of getting these DVD’s then make sure you get them before the end of February. The page in Bleeding Edge Magazine looks like this:-

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2 Responses to Bassai Dai Kata Bunkai DVD: Special Offer/End Off Offer!

  1. Thank you Matt. I think it’s a good deal too, but then I would :)
    Having said that, I’ve sent these DVD’s to Germany, USA, Australia, New Zealand and other countries, and I’ve only ever had positive feedback so far (including your own review). So I must be doing something right :)

  2. sounds like a good deal!

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