Inside Bassai Dai


By Charlie Wildish & Keith McKay Cormack

A very unique look at Bassai Dai from both Karate and Kung Fu perspectives!
Bassai Dai is believed to have been created by the legendary martial arts genius, Sokon “Bushi” Matsumura. We look at the historical challenges that Matsumura faced, read across from modern reality based martial arts and Chinese Kung Fu (which Matsumura would have studied) and set out to re-create as authentically as possible the original bunkai to one of the most important katas in the Karate world.

(MP4 Format)


Have you been disappointed being taught unrealistic, stylised applications (bunkai) which only work with a co-operative partner? Have you ever felt frustrated that many senior instructors have excellent technique, excellent kata, excellent sparring/fighting ability; yet when it comes to Kata bunkai what they are teaching is . . . well . . . nonsense!

Me too!

So when I decided to make the Download Inside Bassai Dai, I wanted to make sure that the bunkai (applications) were as realistic and pragmatic as possible. I wanted to teach bunkai that people could actually use to defend themselves against un-cooperative real world assailants. Isn’t that what we originally took up Karate for in the first place?

Furthermore, to give a unique and deeper insight into this beautiful but deadly kata, I invited my friend and Kung Fu Sifu, Keith McKay Cormack to work with me.


The old Okinawan’s masters learnt primarily Chinese martial arts, so it’s obvious that Chinese martial arts holds some of the hidden secrets to what the Okinawan masters would have been thinking at the time they created their kata. Obvious really when you stop to think about it!


The result is a set of bunkai which contains the best insights and principles from 2 different systems. But don’t take my word for it, see what some very senior martial artist have to say about it:-

“Over the holidays I had a very pleasant experience watching on Shotokan bunkai DVD. It is called Inside Bassai Dai created by Sensei Charlie Wildish, UK. I found the bunkai in it to be realistic and easy to learn. He demonstrates how some of the techniques are applied. I was particularly pleased to see the application for the double uchi uke (inside forearm blocks). He interprets them as a uke followed by a uraken”.

Shihan Kousaku Yokota: 8th Dan Shotokan Karate & Author.

“Shotokan has always been my base system, so it was fascinating for me to watch the Charlie Wildish DVD on Bassai Dai, and come away with so much new information about this powerful kata and its origins. I particularly like the historical element about Sokon Matsumura (who created the kata) and how, when & why he created the “grappling kata”. I got a lot from this DVD and highly recommend it”.
Geoff Thompson: 7th Dan, co-founder of the British Combat Association, author of 34 books, 5 multi award winning films and BAFTA winner

“This DVD delivers a down to earth and realistic look at the often misunderstood Kata of Karate. Simple to follow and easy to understand. It is great to see Charlie Wildish incorporating my ABC system of manstoppers in his Karate. It is a must have principle for any serious combat martial artist. Good work Charlie”
Kevin O’Hagan: 7th Dan Combat Ju Jutsu & 7th Dan British Combat Association.

“Imaginative, practical and effective bunkai applications presented in a refreshingly relaxed manner. It’s as simple as ABC!”
Rob Jones: 5th Dan Shotokai Karate.

“This DVD is a must for any true Karateka who is interested in uncovering the essence of Bunkai and understanding the true meaning of of kata”
Mark Winkler: 6th Dan Wado Ryu Karate and qualified Systema Instructor.

“This video is unpretentious, straight forward, and focused on content instead of flashiness. As such I feel it does justice to the spirit of Karate”
Matt Apsokardu: 4th Dan Okinawan Kenpo Karate.


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