The Humble “Yoi”

The kata’s (patterns/forms) within a traditional style often have different salutations and ready positions. This would indicate that they have different meanings, beyond being just a salutation. Think about it, if they were no more than just a salutation, why would they not be standardised. Why would any style need more than one salutation which it would use on all of its kata’s/patterns/forms.

Logic would suggest that these salutations/ready positions are moves that could stop an opponent early in the proceedings, before a full blown fight breaks out. If that does not work, then its into the kata to use techniques that will deal with a full blown fight.

The most common salutation or ready position in Karate is the “Yoi”. The performance of the Yoi may vary from style to style, but generally the arms come up to head height (sometimes higher) then circle inwards and downwards, crossing over your center line, then back outwards, before settling just about hip height at about a torso width apart.

Here’s our interpretation of how to use the humble Yoi against somebody who is acting aggressively, to turn the tables on them and put them in a position of disadvantage which you can exploit as you see fit.

Please tell us what you think. Is your Yoi or salutation very much different? Do you see the Yoi as being no more than a salutation with no practical function, or do you see it as a functional movement as we do? Feel free to leave your opinion in the comment box below.

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By Charlie Wildish 3rd Dan Shotokan Karate and Lotus Nei Gong Tai Chi and Keith Cormack, Wing Chun instructor, Choi Lee Fut and Shaolin.

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3 Responses to The Humble “Yoi”

  1. You’re absolutely right, I didn’t realise that it was quite so strong until then :)

  2. Pingback: Phuket Kata Beach - Best kata and bunkai fetch ion? - Kata Resort

  3. Haha, the camera must have been blown over by your powerful “ki”!

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