Tai Chi Course: Open To Martial Artists Of Other Styles

My Sensei and Tai Chi teacher, Paul Mitchell, will be running a 2 day Tai Chi course on the weekend of 27th/28th November. The course will cover various aspects of Yang style Taijiquan and Nei Gong (internal change) syllabus.

Paul’s approach to Tai Chi is that it is a high level martial art. If you want to study Tai Chi as a martial art then ideally you would be better off practicing a harder martial art first (Kung Fu, Karate, Tae Kwon Do, etc), which was always the traditional way in ancient China. You don’t have to of course, but it will take longer to understand the martial aspects of Tai Chi if you don’t.

Paul has a very deep understanding of martial arts and is amongst the very best teachers for practicality of application (both Karate and Tai Chi). He is also the first Karate teacher I’ve ever had who explains Karate in esoteric/energetic terms and who can properly explain martial arts as a “Do” (way of life) better than anyone I’ve ever trained with. Paul really is a hidden gem who deserves to be better known in the martial arts world.

It was always the traditional way in China to learn Kung Fu first, then Tai Chi; then to revise your Kung Fu to include the Tai Chi principles (this works with Karate/TKD etc as well). If you practice another martial art and would like to learn how to add Tai Chi principles into it, then Paul’s the guy as he regularly does this with his Karate. It is no accident that the 3 senior grades in the Paul’s Karate club (Paul, myself and Joe Andrews - 3rd Dan) all practice Tai Chi as well.

There will be several teachers in attendance and so students will receive assistance with whatever they need for their own personal development. The course was run last year to serve as final review of material at the end of the year; it was requested by students again and so here it is!

Course Details: Henton Village Hall, Henton, (near Wells), Somerset, UK; starting 9.00 am on Saturday morning and finishes at 4.30 pm on Sunday. The cost of the course is: £90 with a deposit of £30 required to secure a place. Cost includes the two days training and lunch on Saturday and Sunday.

To take part, email admin at [email protected].

For further information, visit the Lotus Nei Gong website and check out their Youtube channel below:

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