News Update

First of all, we have a new Newsletter which you can sign up to. Just fill in your name and email address and click the “Join the Newsletter” button. Your details will be kept in strict privacy and not shared with any other parties and you will be able to “unsubscribe” any time you like (that is automatic practice when you use an autoresponder), so please tell your martial arts friends about it.

It is intended to bring you the latest news of what we are up to on the blog, relevant courses coming up, DVD news, reviews and other relevant items of interest. If you have any relevant items that you would like to share with other readers, then feel free to submit them to me for consideration. All I ask is that you promote this Newsletter to your own group.

Also, just to remind you all, if you have any of your bunkai/applications that you would like to share, please feel free to submit them and I’ll happily give you a link back to your blog/website/YouTube chanel etc. Just remember that submissions should be instructive to other readers, not just an advert.

On a different note, our new DVD’s have received very good reviews on the powerful website, This site gets about 100,000 hits per day. To see their review on Inside Bassai Dai, CLICK HERE.

To see there review on 10 Kicking Tips, CLICK HERE.

The reviewer is Bob Paterson who runs his own martial arts website called Striking Thoughts.

By Charlie Wildish, 3rd Dan Shotokan Karate and Lotus Nei Gong Tai Chi.

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