Iain Abernethy - Bunkai

To start up a blog like this, you can’t get more authoritative then Iain Abernethy. Iain specialises in grappling bunkai. Although he is primarily a Wado Ryu Karate stylist, he teaches in a way that it can translate to any style and he takes this into account when teaching.

Iain is a 5th Dan with both the British Combat Association (one of the world’s leading groups for close-quarter combat, self-protection and practical martial arts) and Karate England (the official governing body for Karate in England). He is in demand all over the World and has a good reputation for being open, approachable and extremely informative.

Here are a few Youtube clips.

To find out more about Iain, visit his website at www.IainAbernethy.com

This video was embedded using the YouTuber plugin by Roy Tanck. Adobe Flash Player is required to view the video.

This video was embedded using the YouTuber plugin by Roy Tanck. Adobe Flash Player is required to view the video.

Iain has written a number of books and DVDs on the subject of bunkai. In fact this blog takes its name from his book and DVD series entitled “Bunkai Jutsu”; which I can thoroughly recommend. Iain also regular writes articles for the top martial arts magazines.

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