Category Archives: DVD’s

WOW! An Endorsment By Geoff Thompson!

Geoff Thompson is co-founder of the British Combat Association and a pioneer for reality based martial arts training. His experiences as a martial artist (now 6th Dan) and working as a bouncer gave him a great insight into what does and does not really work when under pressure. He put this experience into his own teachings and was polled as the number one self defence instructor in the world by Black Belt magazine USA. From there he has become the author of thirty-four books, five multi-award-winning films (two BAFTA nominated, one BAFTA winning), two stage plays and hundreds of published articles.

It was with a little trepidation (and quit a bit of cheek on my part) that we sent my new DVD, Inside Bassai Dai to Geoff Thompson for review. We are delighted and honoured to have received the following endorsement from Geoff:

“Shotokan has always been my base system, so it was fascinating for me to watch the Charlie Wildish DVD on Bassai Dai, and come away with so much new information about this powerful kata and its origins. I particularly like the historical element about Sokon Matsumura (who created the kata) and how, when & why he created the “grappling kata”. I got a lot from this DVD and highly recommend it”.

I also sent Geoff a copy of my other DVD, 10 Kicking Tips, which I will be giving away free for a limited time to anybody who buys Inside Bassai Dai. Geoff’s comments on this DVD were:

“I thought your kicking DVD was very good too. You presented well and the info was strong”.

I’ll be honest, I was also given a few tips on improving presentation, which I was very grateful for and which I will be looking to implement as soon as I can. To find out more about Inside Bassai Dai and 10 Kicking Tips, or to buy them, please visit our on-line Store.

By Charlie Wildish, 3rd Dan Shotokan Karate and Lotus Nei Gong Tai Chi.

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New DVD: Inside Bassai Dai (Kata Bunkai)

Keith and I are very pleased to release our new kata bunkai DVD, “Inside Bassai Dai”. For those not familiar with Bassai Dai, it is a very central kata in many Karate systems and is often used for black belt gradings to 1st Dan. This is fitting considering it’s author is the Okinawan master, Soken Matsumura who is a very pivotal character in the development of Karate.

Matsumura was one of the prime movers in developing linear technique (previously, Okinawans practiced primarily Chinese based circular techniques). He also taught Azato and Ituso, who went on to teach Funikoshi (who introduced Karate to Japan and hence the World). So Matsumura’s impact on Karate is enormous.

He also faced unusual and unique challenges, which I have written about before, so I won’t repeat it here.

Matsumura’s master was taught by a Chinaman and Matsumura is known to have gone to Shaolin to do some training. It is therefore appropriate that I am working with Keith (a Kung Fu exponent) as it takes us back closer to Matsumura’s original influences. It also makes this DVD a bit unique. There is also a free DVD on Kicking Tips being given away with it. Anyway, it’s been getting some great endorsements and is available at our store with full details if you want to check it out.

“This DVD delivers a down to earth and realistic look at the often misunderstood Kata of Karate. Simple to follow and easy to understand. It is great to see Charlie Wildish incorporating my ABC system of manstoppers in to his karate, it is must have principle for any serious combat martial artist. Good work Charlie”.
Kevin O’Hagan: 7th Dan Combat JuJutsu, 6th Dan British Combat Association.

“This DVD is a must for any true Karateka who is interested in uncovering the essence of Bunkai, and understanding the true meaning of Kata.”
Mark Winkler: 6th Dan Wado Ryu Karate, Qualified Systema Instructor

By Charlie Wildish 3rd Dan Shotokan Karate and Lotus Nei Gong Tai Chi and Keith Cormack, Wing Chun instructor, Choi Lee Fut and Shaolin.

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Russell Stutely’s New Pressure Point Fighting DVD’s (Featuring Rick Moneymaker and Tom Muncy)

For those interested in pressure point fighting, you might be interested in Russell Stutely’s newly released set of 6 DVD’s. This is set is made in collaboration with 2 of Russell’s mentors and masters: Rick Moneymaker and Tom Muncy.

I think that Russell is very good at marketing and promoting his products. That said, he does know his stuff and is good at what he does. The set is being pitched as Russell updating his own skills with Rick and Tom.

I have not seen the finished product, so I can’t vouch for it. However, it does have an impressive line up of familiar names who are World leaders in their fields, so I can’t see how you can go wrong with it. For further info and to make up your own mind, go to Russell’s own site.

By Charlie Wildish 3rd Dan Shotokan Karate and Lotus Nei Gong Tai Chi.

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