Bunkai For Pinan Shodan/Heian Nidan (TKD: Won Hyo)

Here is a very interesting kata bunkai video from www.ikigaiway.com. They look at the opening sequence of Pinan Shodan (Heian Nidan in Shotokan Karate and Won Hyo in Teakwondo). They start of with simple explanations which beginers can easily get to grips with, then condencing the timing and movement to give a more effective application.

Ikigaiway appear to be Okinawan based Kenpo Karate and look like they’ve got a lot to teach. Be sure to check them out at: www.ikigaiway.com.

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Heian Nidan Kata Bunkai

By Charlie Wildish, 3rd Dan Shotokan Karate and Lotus Nei Gong Tai Chi

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