For those interested in pressure point fighting, you might be interested in Russell Stutely’s newly released set of 6 DVD’s. This is set is made in collaboration with 2 of Russell’s mentors and masters: Rick Moneymaker and Tom Muncy.

I think that Russell is very good at marketing and promoting his products. That said, he does know his stuff and is good at what he does. The set is being pitched as Russell updating his own skills with Rick and Tom.

I have not seen the finished product, so I can’t vouch for it. However, it does have an impressive line up of familiar names who are World leaders in their fields, so I can’t see how you can go wrong with it. For further info and to make up your own mind, go to Russell’s own site.


By Charlie Wildish 3rd Dan Shotokan Karate and Lotus Nei Gong Tai Chi.