Bunkai Jutsu

Do you feel that there is more to martial arts than you’re being taught?

Do you feel that much of what you’re being taught is too ritualised, formulaic or sport based to work in a real situation?

Are you fascinated by the philosophy, psychology or spiritual side of martial arts; but hardly anybody is talking about it in any meaningful way?

If you identify with any of these, then you’re one of millions of martial artists around the World who intuitively know that there is so much more.

BunkaiJutsu is for you, to help you have a deeper more meaningful experience of the art you love.

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Charlie Wildish, teacher of Bunkai JutsuBunkai Jutsu’s Mission

“Many traditional martial arts have been seriously dumbed down from their original philosophical, spiritual and combative emphasis for political and social reasons as well as conversion into sport.

I aim to make BunkaiJutsu.com one of the best resource on the Internet for helping serious traditional martial artists to attain a deeper and more holistic understanding so that they can have a more complete experience of the art they love”.

Charlie Wildish


Bunkai Jutsu


(3 Mini EBooks Teach How You How To Deal With The Worst Case Scenario: A Powerful Pain Resistant Opponent)

  • High probability points to stop a powerful opponent who is pain resistant (drink, drugs, adrenalin). (no – a kick in the b***s won’t always work)!
  • How correct breathing helps you relax and how relaxation generates more power
  • Why structure (skeletal alignment) is more important than strength and speed
  • The body mechanics of developing a whip like technique for more impact with less effort
  • How power moves like a “wave” through the body

Bonus eBooks

  • Matsumura’s Bassai Dai: A Deadly Kata For The Very Worst Case Scenario
  • HIKI-TE: Versatile Multi-Functional Technique, Or Does It Just Leave Us Vulnerable?

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